Sunday, February 3, 2008


Well its the day before Ely's surgery and yes of course I'M A WRECK!!! All I can think about is them taking him from me once I hit those double doors. I hate the fact that he is going to be in pain when I am not around to take care of him. Yes, I will be around when he is in recovery but still, it is very hard. I am just so worried about him. The only good thing about this is that he will be a whole new child after he recovers. He will feel so much better and hopefully he wont be sick as much anymore with the bronchitis and such. I will call all of you and let you all know how Ely turns out. Just keep him in mind tomarrow morning at 7:00am. We have to have him there by 6:15am so it will be and early bedtime and a long day tomarrow. Just pray that everything will be alright. Talk to you all soon

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