Saturday, February 23, 2008

What a wonderful day

What a beautiful day out and I cant want to get outside and play with kids in the snow. It is just way to nice to be stuck inside the house today. The whole weekend is supposed to be nice along with next week. I am hoping that spring is only a wink away. I am tired of the this icky cold weather. I think the boys are really getting tired of being couped up in the house also. They both need to be out running around doing what boys do and getting muddy and working in the shop with daddy. One good thing about the weather being nice is that when we are at work we are able to stay warm and sweaty but its not to cold where we can't even put enough clothing on to even stay warm just a bit. So Kyle and I are really looking forward to the warm weather that is on its way. Time has just flew by in the past years. Heck, Ely is already 3 and Cooper is going to be 2 on June 10th. That about makes me cry. They are growing up way to fast for me. It seems like just a week ago I was delivering Ely. I will never forget that first eye to eye contact with him in my arms. The first sign of being a mother was that moment. It made it so real. Now that I have two wonderful boys that I wouldn't trade off for anything my life is complete. Kyle, Ely and Cooper keep me very busy along with work. So not much time to do much besides home and work. I just like to spend time with the kids as much as possible watching them learn and explore the whole world that we know. I just hope that I can do the best job as a mother to get him on the right track in life. Well enough with the sappy stuff so I am going to play V-Smile with the boys. I hope you all have a great and wonderful day.

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