Sunday, February 24, 2008

Yet another day

Wow! it is a wonderful day today. Another warm day in store. Its about time we are finally getting our warm weather. We had a pretty good day yesterday and it was a late night for us. It is going to be a short post cuz i am about ready for a nap. The boys are both doing good growing like weeds. Cooper on the other hand been being really arnry..Whatever he can get into, He will. Weather its when we are looking or when we arent. He is a sneeky little man. Ely seems to be getting sick again. I think he is getting bronchitis again. I am hopeing not. He goes back to the docotor tomarrow for a post op check up after his surgery 3 weeks ago. He is all better from that thank goodness. His ears seems to be doing much better..He hasnt been complianing of them hurting anyways which is a good thing to. Well I am going to call it a day. Hope you all have a good and warm Sunday.

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