Thursday, January 31, 2008


Yet, another day come and and gone. It is still very cold and its hopefully going to warm up soon. I will find out tomarrow what time we will have to be in Sioux Falls for Ely's surgery on Monday. I know i wrote down tuesday but it was a misunderstanding when i took Ely to the doctor i thought they told me Tuesday but oops! I was wrong. So we will have to be in Sioux Falls and we are going to have to stay there. I am so scared for Ely. I feel so bad for him because he is going to be in a lot of pain. I know it will make him feel sooo much better after he heals up. He will be a whole differnt kid. Even though you can't really tell he has been sick now. He is running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off. Oh well, it it all worth it. Kids are a wonderful thing. I wouldn't change them for anything. Well have a good night ya'll.

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