Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Hello everybody I finally got my internet back. I am soooo very happy. Whew, a lot to catch up on. To start off the boys are going ok i guess. Ely has to have surgery on Tuesday Febuary 5th. To start off the reaon why he has to have surgery is because when he got tubes in his ears he was just a little over a year old. Well when they fell out the right one fell out all the way and the left one got stuck so now there is scar tissue built up around the tube which then hooked the tube to his ear wal and he ear drum. OUCH! So now the doctor has to go in there and take that tube out and then she is going to put in new tubes. After that is done Dr. Larsen is going to take out his adnoids and tonsils I think. I know fo sure the adnoids are coming out. Ely is also going to have a small probe put in for 24 hrs. to check and and see he has acid reflux. They are also doing an allergy test on him. I do not remember if they are doing another test or not. I tend to forget when I am under a lot of stress. I was bawling the whole way home after his doctors appointment last Friday. It is very hard for any mother to have to see their child go thru surgery. So Ely will have to stay over night and get the probe taken out the next morning at 11:00 am. I am hoping he eats and keeps fluids down so that we can go home on the 6th.
Cooper is doing ok. He is getting big and still being a pain in my rear end. He tends to like to beat up his big brother Ely a lot but hey thats sibling rivalry. Last Saturday we went and got Cooper's hair cut and he did not like it at all. He screamed and bawled.
Kyle and I are still working at T&R over in Colman and we still like it. I lost my overtime because it got so slow. We will hopfully be able to get out hours back in a month or so. There has been a lot of ups and downs at work but hey, that is any job you go to. Well that is a breif catch up hope to keep in touch with everybody.

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