Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to everybody! We are all still doing good. I am very exhausted from working so much but hey its all worth it. My kids are doing great Ely is getting excited for his birthday tomarrow. ("mommy, I am going to be three!") So at least he knows whats going on. He is going to have a lot of cars stuff by the end of the weekend. I want to get him so Go Diego Go stuff but thats hard to find to. I want to find a Diego movie but not sure if I can find one of those. I am getting hungry for my black olives and my stuffing. That is the only good thing I like about Thanksgiving. Well other than I know Christmas is coming. LOL! So I just hope everybody has a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy all of the calories. Love to everybody.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sorry I know you all miss me
Yes, I have been gone a really long time. I have been a little short on cash so we do ot have the internet right at the moment so I we are trying to get things back in order again to get it all back. Here is a quick update on everybody. Well Kyle has been very sick with Pnemonia Ely is doing great and getting big and cooper is full of enegy as a typical 1 year old is I am just busy busy busy. I am working so much and trying to keep the house in order. I got my basement all organized because a friend of mine is going to be moving in with her 2 kids so i will have a house full. I will have a 5 month old,a 1 year old and two 3 year olds in my house. Whew! I am not sure how I am going to be able to handle that but everything will work themselves out one way or another. Ely will be turning 3 on November 23rd. (Yes, Barb its your birthday to.) I will never forget that birthday..LOL! Well just thought i would update everybody. See you all later.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Finally, a nice day
Finally, we got a nice day where we can be outside with the boys and Kyle can be in the shop getting the boat engine put back together. While Cooper was sleeping and Ely was helping dad "work" I went to my dad's house to barrow his lawn mower so that I could get out jungle mowed. LOL! I didn't realize it was that tall. So now I am pretty tired. It was a lot of work getting that done. I am stuck home doing laundry and all of the other wife/mother jobs at home. I don't know how a lot of people do it. They kepe the house clean all the time and laundry all caught up and all of that other stuff. It's hard work but I manage. Kyle seems to be feeling much better other than getting extremly bad headaches and when he turns a little to quick he gets dizzy and starts to see double. . He is worried about a brain anurizm because his uncle died from one not to long ago. I told him you would probably know if you had one because a lot more would probably be happening besides the headaches and the dizzyness. What do you all think? Well, I guess I better sit down with everbody to eat a late dinner. Talk to you all later..
Friday, September 21, 2007
Boys will be boys
Hmm...where do I start? Ely is growning up so much. He is almost 3. WOW! I can't belive how smart he is already and how much he understands and how well he talks. Tonight I had a conversation with Ely. I asked him what he wanted for his birthday in November. Here is the conversation...
Me: What do you want for your birthday in November?
Ely: Cake!!
Me: Yes Ely we will have cake but what do you want for a present? Do you want a new 'Cars' bedset?
Ely: No mom, I already have a cars bedset.
Me: Ok, how about a new cars blanket?
Ely: NO MOM! I have one on my bed see...(he showed me his conforter from his bed) LOL!
Me: I said, no Ely how about a really big fuzzy cars that is as big as your room?
(He smiles big and shook his head.)
Ely: Ok mom, let's make it easy, anything cars I want.
LOL! I thought it was cute. I am so proud of my boys. I am so afraid that I am not teaching my boys enough while I am at home. At least I have it so that Ely will sit down with me to read a book and not me running around like a headless chicken..HE! HE! HE! If anybody has any suggestions for me on how to work the boys to help them with colors and shapes and counting would be great. I know that other 3 year olds can count to 10 and Ely can only pretty much get to like 5 sometimes. So I just thought I would share our little conversation with all of you.
Me: What do you want for your birthday in November?
Ely: Cake!!
Me: Yes Ely we will have cake but what do you want for a present? Do you want a new 'Cars' bedset?
Ely: No mom, I already have a cars bedset.
Me: Ok, how about a new cars blanket?
Ely: NO MOM! I have one on my bed see...(he showed me his conforter from his bed) LOL!
Me: I said, no Ely how about a really big fuzzy cars that is as big as your room?
(He smiles big and shook his head.)
Ely: Ok mom, let's make it easy, anything cars I want.
LOL! I thought it was cute. I am so proud of my boys. I am so afraid that I am not teaching my boys enough while I am at home. At least I have it so that Ely will sit down with me to read a book and not me running around like a headless chicken..HE! HE! HE! If anybody has any suggestions for me on how to work the boys to help them with colors and shapes and counting would be great. I know that other 3 year olds can count to 10 and Ely can only pretty much get to like 5 sometimes. So I just thought I would share our little conversation with all of you.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Miss me yet?
Sorry I have not written for awhile..I have been very busy due to work and the kids and a very sick husband. Well since Wednesday I have put in 30 hours already. Busy busy busy. The kids are keeping me on my toes and whew, my husband, hmm..where should I start. He started getting sick on Thursday and now it is Sunday. I took him in to the Emergency Room to find out that Dr. Poppens thinks he has West Nile. Not Cool It took me a lot of convincing to get him to go it. My mom and stepdad had to talk him into it to. Along with his mom and dad. He is pretty sick. He aches all over, high temp, severe headache constantly. Just a lot of stuff going on. I am glad that I was able to be home with the boys this weekend becasue I was missing them so much with all the work I have been having to do at T & R. It brings in very nice paychecks but it kills the time with the family. After I got off work at 3 :30 on friday the guys wanted to go down to the bar for a drink and I said sure. Well then the owner of T & R showed up and I had a few with him. Then when it was time for me to get heading home I went to go put gas in the pick-up I met up with another friend from T & R and he wanted to go down and have a beer. So needless to say, I did. I had to have Kyle come get me and I was expecting him to be mad at me because I was toast. I had a few to many to drink and on top of that I had beer. I don't like beer. He told me he wasn't mad because I have been busting my butt all week and I deserved a time out for awhile. I was pretty sick when I got in the Jeep. I threw up and all. I never get sick when I drink. I think it is because I was drinking the good ol' Bud Light. It actually tasted pretty darn good. LOL! Better mark that on the calander becasue I will probably never say it again beings I don't drink beer. I like my sweet stuff like Mikes hard Berry. Well I guess better change Cooper's pants. He is pretty stinky..LOL! Barb!!! where are you when I need you? You I am sure have become a pro at changing diapers..LOL! See you tomarrow Barb. Love you
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Long Day
Well my birhtday has come and gone and I am only one year older, big deal. I don't feel to much older just know I am older. Yes, Barb you are old....Older than me..LOL! Today was a long, long day. Cold, busy day. I am exhausted from being up at 5:30 am and working till 6.00.. Needless to say, Im tired. Just hotught i would write a bit, take call ya'll
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Man! Today is going by sooo slow..We haven't done much today besides a little house cleaning and that's about it. So needless to say long boring day. All I need to do today pretty much is just get the boys's bag ready for the week at Barb's house. I am excited to go back to work on Monday, not only because it's my birthday but because I love my new job. Oh ya, did I mention it's my birthday? I will be 23. Man I feel old..hehehe. Not as old as you Barb. LOL. Ya, I get to weld at my job and I love to do that. Well just thought I would post even though I haven't done much today. See you all later.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Busy Cold Day
Today was a pretty busy day. I got up this morningand got the boys ready for the day and then all of the work started. I went to my mom's house and got her steam cleaner so that i could clean my carpets. They turned out awesome.. Looks like new now. Yay! After that I had to run a bunch of errends and due laundry and clean house and the list goes on and on.
I keep on adding to my kitchen Did I mentions that my kitchen theme is apples? Well it is and it looks totally awesome. HEHEHE! Well I got a bag of apples from my Grandmother in-law and i dind't know what to do with it until I saw a string of garland at the dollar store. It has face leaves on it so I strung my apples thru it and hung them above the opening between the kitchen and the living room. It looks absoulutely cool. Iam always willing to take anything apples or pigs. My bedroom theme is pigs so I am pretty organized when it comes to themes in my house. LOL! You should come see it Barb. It looks nice.
I keep on adding to my kitchen Did I mentions that my kitchen theme is apples? Well it is and it looks totally awesome. HEHEHE! Well I got a bag of apples from my Grandmother in-law and i dind't know what to do with it until I saw a string of garland at the dollar store. It has face leaves on it so I strung my apples thru it and hung them above the opening between the kitchen and the living room. It looks absoulutely cool. Iam always willing to take anything apples or pigs. My bedroom theme is pigs so I am pretty organized when it comes to themes in my house. LOL! You should come see it Barb. It looks nice.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
A day in my new department
Whew! I made it. I was transfered into my new department today and wow that is exhausting. I am now working in Single Faze Pads and I absolutly love it. I FINALLY GET TO USE MY TOOLS AGAIN!! I am not always on a dumb fork lift. I get my exercise back and am always busy which makes the day go by so much faster. Which is a very good thing. The quicker my day goes the quicker I can go get my childeren.
I don't know what you all would think about this idea but I have done some thinking and I miss living back in Orient. I doubt it will ever happen because there is just nothing around there for work. I miss my in-laws a bit and they miss us but beings that we are all getting along so well I want it to stay the same. I miss the small town living and the no worries about cops.
The boys are doing great and seem to be glad to be home from a week off. Barb was very happy to see the boys also. I guess Cooper was very clingy to Barb on Tuesday because she missed her auntie. I am glad to be home from the weekend because now i can get back into routine with myself and the boys. I have to change it a bit beings I got transfered so now I have to get up at 4:30 am instead of 5:30. Oh well just have to go to bed earlier. Well i better get going just thought i would write to say how my day was.
I don't know what you all would think about this idea but I have done some thinking and I miss living back in Orient. I doubt it will ever happen because there is just nothing around there for work. I miss my in-laws a bit and they miss us but beings that we are all getting along so well I want it to stay the same. I miss the small town living and the no worries about cops.
The boys are doing great and seem to be glad to be home from a week off. Barb was very happy to see the boys also. I guess Cooper was very clingy to Barb on Tuesday because she missed her auntie. I am glad to be home from the weekend because now i can get back into routine with myself and the boys. I have to change it a bit beings I got transfered so now I have to get up at 4:30 am instead of 5:30. Oh well just have to go to bed earlier. Well i better get going just thought i would write to say how my day was.
Monday, September 3, 2007
I got my boys back!!
YAY! I fianlly got to see my boys again. Kyle and I left on Friday to head to Orient to pick up the boys. Finally! It was great, when Ely saw me his eyes got huge and he came running to me and said, mommy don't leave me. All I could do was hold on to him and of course hug him and kiss him. So all night friday he was always right there beside me saying mommy don't leave me. He said lets go home mom i miss my bed. So we stayed until Monday then we headed home to get settled back into the house. Well just thought I would let you all know I got my boys back and yes Barb they will be at your house on Tuesday.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I miss you babies
*Tear* I miss my boys so much already. My mother in law and father in law cam down on Saturday and stayed the night. That was a pretty good time. We all had fun and mom and I went rummaging and just spent mother and daughter time together. I enjoyed it anyways. Well back to my sad story They left on Sunday afternoon and they took both of my boys for a week. Don't worry we knew about it and we gave them permission..LOL! I didn't realize it would be this hard to come home wo a quiet house. Everybody keeps telling me to go out and have fun. They wish they could get rid of their kids for a week. Well not when my baby Cooper hasn't been away from me for that 2 days at a time. It's tearing me up but I know it will make me a strong person and make me love my boys that much more not that I don't love them now more than life itselft. Well me having myself and my kids on such a good schedual after work yesterday I did my normal drive home and went straight to Barb's house to get my kids from daycare. I walked in the door and Barb gave me the goofiest look I have ever seen. I stopped for a minute, looked around and then replied "Oh ya, my kids ain't here." I am just so used to getting them everyday and like I said before I am never away from them at night and after work. That was the hardest thing realizing that my kids are not around. When I got home I turned the TV on layed down on the couch covered up and bawled. It is just breaking my heart but like I said before. It will make me a stronger mom and it will give Kyle and I alone time to spend together and get to know each other more. We are able to talk about everything without having kids screaming in the background and crying. Which is a good thing yet I miss the cries and the fighting. Kyle and I are going to go get the kids Friday after work and we will come home on Sunday and be back to the normal schedual of getting up getting the kids ready to go to Barb's then go to work come home make supper bathe the kids play with them for an hour or more put them to bed then I shower then I go to bed. Same stuff just differnt days. Well I am sure you all have read enough about how tough my life is right now so I will sign off now and talk to you all later.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
He's just about there
ELY IS ALMOTS POTTY TRAINED!!!! We have been working with him for a little over a week now and he is finally going to the restroom by himself. I am so proud of him and I am happy to that I only have to buy diapers for one kid now instead of two. It is going to help my paycheck a lot. Whew! finally we are just about done. Just thought I would write a little update on the littel man.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Its Finally Friday!!
YAY! I am so glad its Friday yet again I am not. My inlaws are coming tomarrow. That will be a joyful time. They will be leaving on Sunday though its still going to suck because they are taking my boys for a whole week. What will I do. I am not sure if I will be able to handle a whole week. Should I let them be gone for a week or should I make them bring them back say Wednesday? I don't know if i can handle being away from them that long. I am glad its Friday because i dont have to go back to work unitl Monday. YAY! My paycheck isn't going to be good though because i had to take off last Monday so i could get my pick-up back and then Tuesday we had food poisoning from Pizza Hut here in Madison. 7 out of the 9 of us that ate it that night got sick. So that is why I am guessing that is what it was. I never went to the doctor I guess but if you put two and two together it's not that hard to figure out. We got denied our loan to get everything caught up. We have to wait 3 more months first. Which sucks but hey what can I do. Nothing! Well I am going to sign off now and I will hopefuly remember to write tomarrow. I am finally getting the hang of this crazy thing. My stress reliever. HEHEHE!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Sick yet again
Well today was not such a good day. Last night we all had Pizza hut and needless to say that throughout the night we all got sick. I was sick at work and Kyle and I had to leave. We are both pretty tired of throwing up every half hour or so. Cant keep nothing down. I found out that Bob and Becky and their kids are sick to. They ate with us last night. So I am not sure what the deal is.
On a good note aftr I went and picked the kids up from Barb's house I got home and went to the restroom..Ely told me to get off so that he could go poop. I got off and went downstairs to get his underware and I came back upstairs to find him on the toilet doing his business all by himself. I was so proud of my big boy. The funny part is, is that he tried to wipe himself..Now that was intersting..Needless to say I had to jump in. Oh well he is still learning. I am still proud of him he is growing up. Well lets just hope that he keeps up the good work.
On a good note aftr I went and picked the kids up from Barb's house I got home and went to the restroom..Ely told me to get off so that he could go poop. I got off and went downstairs to get his underware and I came back upstairs to find him on the toilet doing his business all by himself. I was so proud of my big boy. The funny part is, is that he tried to wipe himself..Now that was intersting..Needless to say I had to jump in. Oh well he is still learning. I am still proud of him he is growing up. Well lets just hope that he keeps up the good work.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
little update
Yesterday was a pretty busy day. It all started with crabby kids and Cooper getting hurt. He fell off the couch and he screamed like someone was just beating him to death..LOL! And come to find out he fell on a pile of blankets. So he didnt even get hurt..I think it must have just scared him.. After that i started to clean house.Oh what fun that was. NOT! Oh well its all part of being a wife. We then went over to Becky's house to help them pack and load stuff into the trailer. Well then i got a phone call from a friend and she wanted me to watch her 2 kids Skyler and Lesley. That was fun to have a newborn in the house again. Kyle actually loved it..HEHEHE! Soemday I will have a newborn girl. When we all got up this morning I was getting breakfast for the kids and Ely kneeled down and sad he tummy hurt. I told him to go lay down and he did. I went out there to see how he was doing and he threw up..YUCK! So then i gave him some medicine. Not two hours later her threw up again. YUCK! So now he is lying down and pale as can be. So I am not sure whats gong on with him. Bob is sick also so who knows.. I just hope Ely gets better soon. He just is to quiet when he is sick. I will keep you al lupdated.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Hello to all
Hey to all, I am sorry I havent been on my blog for awhile i have been pretty busy with some financial stuff. We have it all under control now. Now we are in between a rock and a hard spot with some of our friends. They need to find a place to live within three days. I am not sure the whole situation but its not good. I cant do anything to help them, I dont have the space for them nor the money. I am pretty much out of options.
On a good note I am feeling better and so are my boys. Cooper was throwing up last night. He did 2 times. YUCK! I am not sure why the situation was with him. He seems to be feeling much better today. Little fussy but he at least has his color back. Well i better get going. Got to get ready for the day.
On a good note I am feeling better and so are my boys. Cooper was throwing up last night. He did 2 times. YUCK! I am not sure why the situation was with him. He seems to be feeling much better today. Little fussy but he at least has his color back. Well i better get going. Got to get ready for the day.
Monday, August 13, 2007
I Feel Icky
Today is not going to be a good day I can already tell. I woke up like every couple hours getting sick. Ely says his tummy hurts and he is just lying around so i gave him some motrin and when that kicks in he is a little more ambitious. When that wears off we are in for it again. crabby ol' Ely. I am hoping it is just the 24 hour flu. If not well call the Dr. I will keep you al posted.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Another busy day at papa's house
Yet again today we all went over to papa's to pretty much finish up the siding job. There is still the south side yet other than that it is all finished. My Super Tooper was very crabby. He woke up way to early and didnt get to sleep again untli about 3:15 pm. So needless to say it didn't take long to get him to sleep. Now the next obsticle is to get Ely down..Yah like that will happen. He is being so stubborn some days.
On a good note Ely went potty for me today and last night at grandmas's house. It was a fight to get him on there but he went after his nap last evening. He screamed the whole time he was on there but like I said at least he went. I am not sure if he even knows when he has to go. I asked him this morning if he had to go to the bathroom and he said "yes." So I took him in and he went potty. Grandma Hoeke took him in today cuz he said he had to poop..LOL! i just figured he had already gone in his diaper. He did go in his diaper but we put him on the toilet and still went a little more so maybe i am just trying to push him to hard. How can I tell when he is ready? How do you know if he can feel that he needs to go? I am just plainly out of ideas.
When we got home from Papa's house we all sat down to watch the Dukes of Hazzard on HBO. Its a pretty good movie so far. Kind of stupid if you ask me..LOL! Oh well. Ely and Kyle seem to like it a lot. Well I am going to sign off for now. Talk to you all later.
On a good note Ely went potty for me today and last night at grandmas's house. It was a fight to get him on there but he went after his nap last evening. He screamed the whole time he was on there but like I said at least he went. I am not sure if he even knows when he has to go. I asked him this morning if he had to go to the bathroom and he said "yes." So I took him in and he went potty. Grandma Hoeke took him in today cuz he said he had to poop..LOL! i just figured he had already gone in his diaper. He did go in his diaper but we put him on the toilet and still went a little more so maybe i am just trying to push him to hard. How can I tell when he is ready? How do you know if he can feel that he needs to go? I am just plainly out of ideas.
When we got home from Papa's house we all sat down to watch the Dukes of Hazzard on HBO. Its a pretty good movie so far. Kind of stupid if you ask me..LOL! Oh well. Ely and Kyle seem to like it a lot. Well I am going to sign off for now. Talk to you all later.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Siding Papa's House
Today we went over to papa and grandma's house to help Dick Ruger side his house. Man was it hot out. Everybody was there. All the kids played well together and the boys and Julia were catching crawdads and frogs from the creek. That was just gross. Ely loves to play with frogs and such. Its been a long haul for everybody. Lots to do in such little time. Money gets tight and bills need to be paid. Work work work all day long and it always seems that ends never meet. I think papa and grandma Hoeke are going to buy Ely a new bike for his birthday. Ely's birthday isn't until November but he wont be able to ride it then. So i am hoping that we can get it soon so he will be able to ride it before the snow flys. I didn't even know that he could ride one of those 19 inch bikes until Barb told me and until i was able to see it over at Grandma's house. He is vary good at it..I don't think it will be vary hard to get him off the training wheels when it comes time. Now the potty training bit is a completly differnt story. If anybody has any ideas or options for me to try I would be more than happy to try them out. Ely will be 3 in November and he seems to have no interest at all. I am not even sure if he can even tell if he has to go. He will tell me he has to go number 2 so I go and put him on the potty and he just screams and says no he don't want to. I just wish he would learn because it would make it so much cheaper on me not having to buy diapers for both kids. So if anybody has any ideas PLEASE feel free to let me know. Well i am going to call it a night. We had a long day and its time for bed. Good night to all.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Dang its hot out..and i choose one of the hottest days of the year to pack and try to move..CRaazzzyyyy. its just chaos..i have hardly even gotten anything packed..I have most of my wall hangings but just dont have the ambition to do much..YUCK! Hey Barb...what can i give you so that you can pack everything up for me....and move you still.. Just thought i would catch up everybody..i tend to forget to write on here.. Stlill trying to get used to this whole thing..
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
We are Fianlly Moving!
Yes you guessed it, we finally found a house..The good thing is it is off the highway. The only thing that is bad is that i have to pack everything up..YUCK! It is only a block and a half away from where i live now but hey it has a 2 door garage on it.(Hope your happy Kyle...Hehehe i love you still..) It is smaller but it will get us by until we are able to buy our dream home..LOL! Which could very well be awhile..Just htought i would let you all know..I will be pretty busy these next couple days and weeks..
Friday, June 29, 2007
Cooper's first haircut

He was such a Trooper. My little Cooper sat thru the whole thing..CRYING! He didn't like it much at all. I had to be right next to him the whole time...His brig brother Ely sat much better. Cooper was a pretty good boy. When I would always pick up Cooper from day care (Barb) I would show up with a huge suprise. Cooper's hair would be standing on end. He would always have a mohawk..LOL! It was cute but I just could't take it anymore..I had to have it cut. He looks so hansome now. A little crabby and tired but hansome. He had his one year shots today to which was just terrible..I felt so bad cuz he cried so much..But whatever i can do to keep my boys healthy. They are worth way to much to me to lose.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Err! today was Crraaazzzyyyy day..When i got ot work..BAM! it all started with the men i work with. I seem to always get picked on..hmm..wonder why.They greased my water bottle so that when i grabbed it, it was all over my hands..The bad thing is, is that it is very hard to get off..So of course i found out who did it cuz all i had to do was check everybodies hands and Wham I found out. After that they greased all my tools so yes of course i got greased again..Damn! Later on in the day they glued my Table vise together so i couldn't open it to put my bushings in to take apart and put back together...ERRR!! So let's just see what tomarrow brings..I smell revenge..Mwaahahaha...It will be fun. I am sure i will end up getting slammed with water or something of the sort..Well sorry i havent been on for a couple days..taking me a bit to get used to writing everyday..Lets just hope i can get in the groove of things..This weekend i wont be around to write so miss me..LOL! i am going to the Crystal Springs Rodeo in Clear Lake South Dakota. I wont be home until Sunday so be sure to look on here to see how it all went..Talk later..
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day
Well what a great day it is..A day to cherish and to spend time with dad. We were going to go into the boat today but guess what? mother nature says no..That darn wind is always around whenever we dont want it. So i think we are just going to go play at the parks and just hang out and do family things..Might be able to so swimming pending on the lake and how windy it is..Just hope everybody had fun and stayed safe..
Friday, June 15, 2007
First Time Home buyers
Well we went to Sioux Falls to talk about getting the first time home buyers so that we can get out of renting..That all went well. We have to wait until January of 2008 until we can get it but we will qualify for it which is a great deal. He told us to either rent until then or try contract for deed for a year and a half or so. Then we will have to refinance under the first time home buyers deal. Work was good today beings i didnt have to do much beings i wore nice clothes to work since i had to go to sufu. My foreman told me that it was ok that i just did the basics..HEHEHE! Poor Harvey..(Friend from work) He had to do quite a bit today so that I didnt get dirty..I caught a lot of crap for that today..LOL! Go figure. Well I am tired so i am going to go try to take a nap..Yeah right..later all
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Today was total chaos...We had to run here then run there and back to does it feel good to finally sit down. I was so busy today that I almost forgot i have to go to Sioux Falls tomarrow so that we can try to get approved for First Time Home Buyers. *crosses fingers* we need to get out of the house we are currently living in. Well back to my day...hmm where should i begin? It wasn't to hot just really muggy..I had to be outside where it totally was not cool. It was so boring.. We had to walk up and down the rows in the yard looking for stupid pieces that we knew that we didnt have but hey thats life.. Ten after that we had to go in an even hotter spot and work on a very hot fork lift...ICKY! ICKY! ICKY! Around 4:00 it finally slowed down for about 10 minutes...Mister forman decides to come over and asks for something that we have to go look at again..Again NOT FUN! Well i better call it quits for the night and get the boys ready for the night..Later
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Wet, wet day
well today was a pretty good day, well a pretty halarious day. I had a fun day at work beings i was soaked all day. Other than all of the rain we had i ended up getting a huge bucket of water poured on me. YAY! oh well i always say payback are always fun. Thats ok, i will always get them back one way or another. I always say, "it may not be today, it may not be tommarow and it may not be a year from now, but i will get you back..." LOL! Its always a new thing at T&R. Well when i got home i had very crabby kids. Needless to say they drove me NUTS! Barb i envy you for putting up with my little varmants. LOL! They love you though...thats why they like to give you grief..Well thats all i have for today..hope tomarrow is the same fun like i had today..
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Yes, another hot day
Today was a pretty busy day for the Wangsness family. Well the same old stuff happend as always go to work come home and usual..LOL! Well we had Wayne over for Cooper's birthday. That was good to have him over to see the kids. We really enjoy having papa over. We played outside most of the night and Ely got into the pool for awhile. Cooper fell in the pool like normal..I am glad that we are always with him otherwise we would have some problems.. Work was ok other than it was extrememly hot. Well it was a different day at work i guess, we had a water fight like we tend to do in the summer. I always say if you cant have fun at work why go? I am just glad that i can get along with all of the men i work with. We like to play jokes on each other. Oh well. Gots to have fun sometimes. Well that goes it for another day.
Monday, June 11, 2007
I am kind of new at this so just bare with me. I wnat to thank my sister Barb for helping me set this thing up..I am hoping that it helps me relax now. Today was a very hot day at work Oh by the way, I work at T&R Electric along with my husband Kyle. I enjoy it even though it gets tough at times. I work with a lot of guys and you all know that is a tough situation. LOL! oh well. Well back to my day...It went pretty well. Long but well. I picked up my kids at daycare, which is my sisters house (Thanks Barb) and brought them home and we had supper. I went to see my dad at the VFW and had a few drinks while Kyle stayed home with the boys and a freind of his. Big relief to get out. My days are pretty boring. Same stuff differnt day. Wake up, get ready for work, go to work come home, pick up my kids,have supper, bathe the kids, play with the boys, then go to to bed. Yes, gets to be a pretty looonnnggg boring day. Oh well. Well i hope i did this right and i hope you all enjoy it. Tell me if it's dumb.. bye for now.
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