Saturday, September 22, 2007

Finally, a nice day

Finally, we got a nice day where we can be outside with the boys and Kyle can be in the shop getting the boat engine put back together. While Cooper was sleeping and Ely was helping dad "work" I went to my dad's house to barrow his lawn mower so that I could get out jungle mowed. LOL! I didn't realize it was that tall. So now I am pretty tired. It was a lot of work getting that done. I am stuck home doing laundry and all of the other wife/mother jobs at home. I don't know how a lot of people do it. They kepe the house clean all the time and laundry all caught up and all of that other stuff. It's hard work but I manage. Kyle seems to be feeling much better other than getting extremly bad headaches and when he turns a little to quick he gets dizzy and starts to see double. . He is worried about a brain anurizm because his uncle died from one not to long ago. I told him you would probably know if you had one because a lot more would probably be happening besides the headaches and the dizzyness. What do you all think? Well, I guess I better sit down with everbody to eat a late dinner. Talk to you all later..

1 comment:

the boedecker family said...

It's hard to keep up in the house when you work! I have a hard time when I don't leave the house!!