Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Well there everybody. No i have not fallen off the face of the earth just very busy. Now that i have started my new job i dont have a lot of time for much of anything. Today and tomarrow are my days off this week. Next week it is Thursday and Friday. So far my job has been going great. I love it. It is kind of a dangerous job but for the most part its a lot of fun.

Kyle had to get glasses and he looks great. I cant seem to get a picture of him in them but sooner or later i will. LOL!!! He is so happy he finally listened to me and got his eyes checked. He has no more headaches and the best part is, is that he can see..YAY! He looks great.

Ely is still doing great in school. He has conferences tomarrow night so hopefully we will get good results back from that. He seems to be doing ok. I know he loves it and he still loves riding the bus. He isnt to fond of getting up early though which hey if you think about it nor do i or did i ever. So other than that hes doing great. Getting big and very busy. Its hard to keep up.

Cooper on the other hand is busy busy busy. I have a very hard time keeping up with that boy. He is going to give me a run for my money. I thought Ely was the busy one but oh no Cooper is just arnry and doesnt listen. Very stubborn. He takes after his daddy. LOL!! Cooper isnt adjusting to me working so much very well. He has been so naughty for Kyle. I think or should i say I hope that will change. His routine is so messed up now. Kyle is trying to get one for him but just not working very well. Other than that not much else going on. Love you all.

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